Intimacy Coordination
In 2023 I graduated the training Programme from Culture Change Hub, funded through Bundesverband Schauspiel to become an Intimacy Coordinator. I received further funding from FFF Bayern and GVL.
In this training I was trained in the SAG Aftra Standards and the Best Practices from TIE (Theatrical Intimacy Education) by Laura Rikard and Kim Shively and also multiple lessons from Stunt and Intimacy Coordinator Cornelia Dworak.
I support Productions with shooting Scenes of Intimacy/ Nudity/ sexual assault and help bring the vision of the director to life, all within the professional boundaries of the actors* and actresses*.
I will gladly give Workshops and Intimacy Coordination for film- and acting schools and everyone that is interested.
Job/Workshop requests via Mail at IC.Heiler@web.de
Work Process as an Intimacy Coordinator
My work as an Intimacy Coordination is based on the 5 Best Practices by TIE (Theatrical Intimacy Education):
1. Consent
All processes and procedures are based on consent from all Parties so that no Boundaries will be crossed.
2. Boundaries
It is important to uphold and accept all personal and bodily Boundaries. Prior to shooting and rehearsing there will be a Conversation with the actors* and actresses* so that their own bodily and personal boundaries regarding their own Nudity within the scene can be clearly defined. At the rehearsals and on set all Boundaries of the actors* and actresses* will be clearly defined so that they can be acknowledged and maintained throughout the work.
3. Desexualization and De-Loading
It is important to desexualize the language around scenes with Intimacy/ Nudity/ simulated intercourse/ sexual Violence so that there is no sexually loaded environment to work in. Furthermore this not only helps sensitize everybody to mental health issues and possible triggers but also professionalizes the work with Intimacy/ nudity/ simulated intercourse/ sexual Violence.
4. Choreography
With the help of the Choreography-Tools byTIE (Theatrical Intimacy Education) it is possible to choreograph very technically all the Intimacy that is needed with full consent of the actors* and actress* and within their own personal and bodily boundaries. This Choreography is rehearsed in advance and helps to not only make the Intimacy repeatable but also easily adjustable in front of the camera, so that on Set everybody knows what to do.
5. Documentation
Every step will be documented and written down in a Report. Of course, all sensitive Information will not be disclosed.
Intimacy Coordination CV
Training Culture Change Hub
Training Programme from Culture Change Hub, funded through Bundesverband Schauspiel to become an Intimacy Coordinator.
In this training I was educated in the Best Practices from TIE/ Theatrical Intimacy Education by Laura Rikard and Kim Shively and also by Stunt and Intimacy Coordinator Cornelia Dworak.​
August 2023
I consulted the Shortfilm "Love & Patriarchy" from Macromedia directed by Fleu Spiegel on Scenes with simulated Intimacy and Nudity
September 2023
I am participating in Workshops by TIE on "Working with Trans and Non-Binary Actors" and "Staging Sex with Trans and Non-Binary Actors"
November 2023
Intimacy Coordination
I supported the director Âni Võ with Intimacy coordination at her test shooting for the film "Tiefgang" at Olga Film GmbH.
March 2024
Aktenzeichen XY ungelöst/ Case Cyber Grooming/ Directed by: Robert Pejo/ Produktion Company: Securitel
Intimacy Coordination
Aktenzeichen XY ungelöst/Preisfilm/ Case Jogger-Stopp!/ Directed by: Robert Pejo/ Produktion Company: Securitel
Intimacy Coordination
April 2024
Juni 2024
IC Workshop
Intimacy Coordination Workshop at Macromedia film university
Das Leben ist nur noch im Rausch zu ertragen/ Directed by: Christina Schmid/ HFF
Dezember 2024
Intimacy Coordination